Personal Information Collection

We may collect non-personal data concerning how shoppers navigate our site to better the shopping experience. Cookies are employed to gather information about how people browse and interact with our website.

Our website utilizes cookies to record data about your browsing and interaction with it. A cookie is a tiny file stored on your computer or device's hard drive by the web browser you are using.

This info can include things like your browser type, OS, and general location. Collecting this info through the usage of cookies is also beneficial in preventing fraud.


Security Of Information

We utilize the data we collect to process your purchase transactions, send you advertising and promotional materials via email, and improve our online product assortments and services for you.  We never divulge any of the information we obtain to third party service providers. 



Only if you have requested to receive them, we may send promotional emails to you. For each email that comes from us, you will be given the chance to "opt-out" or cease getting them.